Daily Archives: August 31, 2018

NYC Labor Day Weekend Weather – Aug 31, 2018

After a week of sweltering temperatures, the weekend brings some welcome relief from the heat. The downside is that these cooler temperatures come with mostly cloudy conditions and chances for rain. Labor Day marks the traditional end of summer, and it will feel like that this weekend, but temperatures will rise right back into the upper-80s and low-90s next week.

Rest of today – mostly cloudy with onshore easterly flow keeping temperatures suppressed in the mid-70s. This easterly onshore flow is happening on the back side of a cold front that passed through yesterday. This front will stall out and become stationary south of us over the Delmarva Peninsula. As impulses of energy move along this front, there will be chances for rain. However, it does appear the best chances for rain stay south of us.

Saturday – mostly cloudy still with slightly warmer temperatures in the upper-70s. Easterly onshore winds continue along with some chances for rain in the afternoon and more chances for showers and thunderstorms overnight.

Sunday – warming up into the mid-80s with scattered chances for showers and thunderstorms. Partly sunny skies otherwise.

Monday (Labor Day) – conditions improve just in time for the West Indian Day Parade festivities with high temperatures in the upper-80s and partly sunny skies.