Tag Archives: gis

Really Cool Graphic – All Reports of Severe Hail from 1950-2013

Another neat graphic from Storm Prediction Center’s SVRGIS: all reports of severe hail over .25″ in diameter from 1950-2013! Again, note the relative scarcity of severe hail west of the Rockies, but look at the density of hail reports over Mississippi and Georgia. Also, check out the dense patch of hail reports just east of the Front Range in Colorado.

Really Cool Graphic – Tornado Tracks from 1950-2013 Mapped

Just a super interesting graphic that the Storm Prediction Center put together using GIS data. What you’re seeing is a graphical representation of the track of each tornado that’s impacted the continental United States from 1950-2013. Notice the density in Tornado Alley, a region of the country where geography is conducive to the large scale weather patterns that produce tornadoes. Also, check out the general trend of a northeast vector to the tornado tracks. Lastly, note that although tornadoes are considerably less common in the Northeast, they still do occur with some frequency.
